There are many different types of fire extinguishers available, and the precise type your business will need depends on the individual risk factors that exist. Because using the wrong extinguisher can be ineffective and consequently dangerous it is essential that you get the advice and services of a company that can ensure you get it right.
Any business in the areas of Aldershot, Basingstoke, Camberley, Crondall, Farnborough, Farnham, Fleet, Hampshire, Odiham, and Surrey in need of fire extinguishers or just looking for advice on what they need to do would be wise to contact WJ Fire Protection Services. They are experts in the supply, service and maintenance of fire extinguishers in these areas and are able to ensure your business is legally compliant and most importantly safe should a fire occur in the workplace.
All fire extinguishers supplied by WJ Fire Protection Services are manufactured to the highest standard in the UK, approved to BS EN3 and carry the British Standard Kitemark as your guarantee of quality. They are designed to be user friendly and effective, with squeeze grip operation, controllable discharge, colour coding to help operators identify the correct extinguisher type and clear printed instructions.
To find out more about WJ fire Protection Services range of fire extinguishers or any of their other fire services give them a call on 01252 850091.